Sunday, September 11, 2011

More pondering

A person who is lazy is normally so out of choice; but that doesn't mean the person is because that's the person's personality. There must be a deeper meaning to why it is that a person chooses not to do something. Maybe that person is having a hard time trying to relate. What if we scratch that point, what if that person sees that socializing is pointless unless it contributes to the knowledge of society.

Or what if that person is a man of few words just because he doesn't see the need to explain by detail that point that stands clearly stated.

What does all of the above sentences say.

Maybe the person has issues. From where-- family memebers, friends, peers, church...?

1 comment:

  1. "Laziness" may be an interesting topic to study psychologically. It seems you might be talking more about "shy" people rather than lazy--or a particular personality type. Not sure.

    But I'm thinking (and perhaps this doesn't appeal to you, which is fine) you could do some awesome paper on the psychology of acting/actors. Not in the sense of diagnosing today's celebrities with narcissism, but rather about the psychological effects of acting or the psychological profile of actors.

    Not sure, just riffing on a theme I found in your musings.

    Good start. Keep pondering.
