Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prep for Paper: Power Kanye West

Visual choices/ images.

The video starts off zoomed-in inside of a picture (just showing Kanye West). As time progresses, the video zooms out and reveals West surrounded by unearthly creatures. The picture frame not only zooms outward, but the surrounding obejects and individual creatures are in motion (the clouds, the twin staff holders).

As the image zooms outward, more creatures are being revealed and the speed at which everything is moving seems to speed up, making it harder to see every thing. This is ironic because one would suspect that as the frame becomes larger, the picture would start revealing itself to the audience; we could better understand what the visual is intended to say. Instead, we get a lot of creatures bunched together whom are all moving making it harder to focus in on one thing at a time. It may be intended to be a metaphor: the seer's frame is always subjective to what actually happens. You don't see it all for what it is, well you can't unless it is really important.

What West may have wanted us to pay attention were those visuals with sudden movement paralled to the sound of the beats that separated the verses from the chorus and vice versa. When the upside person drops the sheet that she is holding, you can't help but notice because it is so suden. Then the attention wander away, but where to; after, my eyes went to the opposite side of West, where there was a guy coming at him with a knife.

The two opposite sides of West are equal in space, while what goes on in both vary, if not, are opposite in what some of the creatures are doing on either side.

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