Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tentative Research question--

Many people think that by taking a pyschology class they can better interpret a person based off of his or her first impressions of that person; but in reality, with this class experience, it may make the job a lot harder. Now, there are many more possibilites floating in the students' head to why a person may think this way or act that way.

I am really interested in taking maybe a pyschology class next summer because I'm interested in knowing why people act a certain way, or why a person feels this way about this thing while another person reacts differently. What strikes me more is the ability that each individual gets to be his own person, and not one person is exactly the same as another--no matter how similiar their ideologies or beliefs are. I find that learning the inside of another person's mind is a crucial element to understaning one's self.

It is a vey difficult task, and I use to find myself frustrated at the number of possibities that shape a person in a specific way, especially when I'm acting out a part for a theatrical performance. When analyzing a character I learned that you have to go directly from dry reading the lines--without emotion or preconcieved ideas of the charater--to understanding the character's goal and interest, and purpose for being on stage, and the obstacles to which the character acts against.

Off that point, when analyzing a person in everyday life, or that newly acclaimed friend, you start with what you think and then you ponder.

 You start at this point/idea and you expand upon it from there. You go from point A: this person is interesting because he/she likes this, and I like this thing too; to point B: he/she likes this because I like that very thing, or he/she geniuely likes the thing.

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