Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prep for the Summary/Analysis Paper: Power by Kanye West

What is Kanye West saying about himself and his career?

Clearly he is casting himself in a brighter light, and being egotistical: he says he is doing better to the 21st century than anyone else, he refers to himself as a superhero, and he says he count time by the hour.

It seems that he refer to the "success" of his career as the thing that makes his contribution to the 21st century such a success.
Simply by calling himself a superhero, he is saying he is not human, or that he is not just another man.
Counting by the hour is uncommon and it may be a preference of West becasue it is so, and because he is suggesting that he is a busy man.

Then, he switches subjects; it is now from West to perhaps 'black people in general'. "With some light skinned girls and some Kelly Rowlands In this white man world we the one's chosen": now he isn't appraising himself, but maybe the black race. The struggle for power involved, one time at least, whites against blacks.

The focus switches again: "Fuck SNL." He targets this group because now he may feel he must struggle against black people who he consider his competitors. Their careers are successful, but he argues that he is more successive.

He recalls that "They say I {he} was the abomination of Obama's nation."

In this piece he feels obligated to say that he is and was successful, this whole thing is him trying to prove himself. He is saying that his career is succesful and that he isn't the bad person people think him to be.
--even though he is being egotistical, which he addresses.

1 comment:

  1. Some good reading here, Charlie. Just so you know, SNL = Saturday Night Live. SNL had done a sketch on Kanye West, making fun of him:

